Sometimes I feel too ugly to go out in public with those red spots all over my face! I have turned 36 and had been struggling with acne for 20 years. Staring eyes, weird smiles and hurting comments…were part of my life. I have spent many nights staying home because I felt too bad to be social. I even missed school many times and avoided mirrors. I had no friends, no boyfriend and thus started losing my confidence. Even, my efforts to hide my acne under thick layered makeup began to fail. I tried various types of prescriptions and antibiotics with limited success. The pimples appeared and disappeared. I spent all my time and pocket money in buying various products and medicines- all with temporary results.
One day, my aunt Henry visited my place. She was around 45 but was glowing like a lady in her 30’s.I could not stop myself from asking her the secret of her glowing skin. And then she shared her secret..Clear60 products! She advised me to use the Clear60 Ultra Gel when I told her about my acne problem. She was so confident that finally out of desperation, I ordered the Clear 60 Ultra Gel. I began using the Gel last October and within two weeks my acne was much better, and after a month I was able to leave the house without makeup. I haven’t had a single deep pimple that would typically take weeks and weeks to go away since I began the Clear60 gel. All my stress and hesitation ended and I started gaining my lost confidence back. Not only the Gel cleared my acne but it also gave my skin a clean, clear and glowing complexion. I started looking fairer. I feel so happy. Now, I do have friends. Really, Nature’s Cheer has changed my life. I am beyond grateful to have found it. I tell everyone who tells me I have beautiful skin what it used to look like and how this natural acne treatment product has turned my skin around. Thank you so much Nature’s Cheer!!!!
And guess what! This Valentine’s I enjoyed my first date with my boyfriend Sam.