organic skin care vancouver

Sunburn causes and its treatment

What can be more fun than a vacation at beach? But this weekend vacation can be too harsh for your skin. Most of us have experienced our skin getting tanned and totally changed after we get back from a beach vacation. This is a result of skin’s reaction with ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.

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canada organic skin care

Recognize Easily – Which Skin Type Do You Have?

Your skin is a reflection of not just your outer appearance but a mirror to your inner beauty as well. A healthy skin is something everyone desires to attain. And of course this is a sole reason for the big cosmetic industry to flourish.
But before you pick a face wash or use home remedies to brighten up your skin, you should know what suits your skin best.

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organic skin care vancouver

The Top #5 Natural Remedies for Oily Skin

Are you looking for organic skin care in Vancouver to deal with your oily skin? What if you find an alternative to your oily skin woes naturally? That would be next to heaven. It would be an end to all your cosmetic products that are simply chemicals damaging your skin internally. Check out this blog…

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eczema cream canada

Natural remedies to cure Eczema

If you have eczema this indicates your skin is able to produce less fats and oils and its ability to retain water has reduced. This leads to increase in the space between cells and water loss from the dermis which creates space for irritants and bacteria can enter easier. That’s why it is recommended not to use soaps and detergents as they can only worsen eczema by stripping away lipids and lead to dryness, inflammation and even blistered.

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